Lake of the Pines Men’s Club
The LOP Men’s Club is a group of men from LOP that meet once a month and discuss ways that they can help make LOP a more enjoyable place to live and play. Our monthly meetings are on the second Wednesday of every month at 5PM followed by a Social Night where we have a light meal (pizza, chicken, or subs) and afterwards we play cards, play WII games on the TV, or just have fellowship. All members in good standing of LOP are invited to join.
The Men’s Club participates in almost every activity at LOP. We provide manpower for projects like painting repaired picnic tables, highway pickup, security patrol, campground cleanup and wood splitting, the annual pig roast and Beer & Brats events just to name a few. Almost all the profits from our fundraisers are donated back to LOP for Association projects or local charities.
If you would like to be a part of this Social Club and join in the fun and fellowship, please call the LOP office and they can provide you with the name of a contact person.